Why We Worship

We worship because we believe that the Triune God of the Bible is infinitely beautiful, good, and true, and because God has shown His great love for us in the gospel. The gospel is the “word of truth, the gospel of our salvation,” through which we find forgiveness, new life, an identity, and a future. The gospel is the message that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5.8). In Christ we find that we are deeply loved, God is at work in our lives, and one day, even in this broken and hurting world, He is going to make all things new.

Our services

Morning Worship Service: 9:30 a.m.

If you are interested in attending an upcoming worship service, we meet every Sunday morning at 9:30 am at the Station House 726, 427 N. Meridian in Puyallup. During the school year we have Sunday School for all ages following the worship service. The parking for the Station House is accessible off of 2nd Street NW.  For directions to our worship location, click here.

For other church events, see our calendar.

What to Expect

What is the Service like?

The worship service is structured as a dialogue between God and His people. This includes singing, Scripture readings, prayers, a sermon, an offering, the Lord’s Supper, and declaring our faith using summaries from historic Christian creeds and confessions.

The flow of the service moves from a call to worship – i.e. invited by God to worship Him; praising Him through singing; confessing our sins and receiving the assurance of pardon – a moment of reflection, coming to the Lord for His grace and mercy through the announcement of the gospel; a time of prayer, either by the pastor, or a congregational prayers of the people; the giving of tithes and offerings; a hymn of thanksgiving offering ourselves to God; the reading of the Scripture text on which the sermon is based; the sermon; the celebration of the Lord’s Supper; a closing hymn; a word of benediction - God’s blessing on His people, reminding us of His favor, and commissioning us to go out to love and serve others.

This general flow of the liturgy connects us to the worship patterns found in Scripture and throughout church history. God met with His people to renew their covenant relationship with Him. This type of structured liturgy is sometimes seen as too stuffy or traditional, and there is certainly a danger of empty ritual, but we believe the liturgy provides a basic shape to the service, which re-tells the story of the gospel. It is a way of liberating us from trying to constantly reinvent the wheel, and it has a way of shaping our souls and creating habits of love and trust in our relationship with God and with one another. If you’re not used to a liturgical service, give it some time, and please don’t hesitate to ask questions. We love to hear your thoughts, concerns, or questions.

To hear audio of our sermons, click here.

Will I Be Asked to Do or Say Anything During the Service?

No. An invitation to partake of the Lord’s Supper is given to all baptized Christians who profess faith in Jesus Christ. If you do not believe, or are not sure, we ask you not participate in this part of the service. We would not ask you to do anything that would compromise your conscience. You won’t be called on, or asked to stand as a visitor, and we do not want you to feel under any pressure to give during the offering. The offering is a way for members and regulars to support the church’s mission and ministry. Our goal if you are visiting with us is to serve you and provide a place where you can encounter God’s presence.

How Long Does the Service Last?

The morning service is about 80-90 minutes. 

How Should I Dress?

There is no dress code. People dress in everything from jeans and a t-shirt to suits and dresses.


We love having our children present in worship! We encourage parents to help their children learn to engage in the liturgy. Even very young children can be taught to join in the gestures and postures of worship, e.g. kneeling, raising their hands, or saying the corporate “amen” with God’s people. 

We realize each child and family is different and we want to meet your unique needs. We offer nursery care during the service for infants and young children. We are happy to accommodate needs for older children, too, especially if you are visiting or single parenting. Please let us know how we can best support you and your family.

If you have any questions about childcare, Sunday School, or to volunteer as a childcare provider, reach out to our administrator at: admin@resurrectionpc.org